Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Cardiac/Blood/Resp Career

Cardiac/Blood/Resp Career

Job: A perfusionist has a vital role during heart surgery. A perfusionist operates a heart-lung machine, which is an artificial blood pump, which propels oxygenated blood to the patient’s tissues while the surgeon operates on the heart.  The perfusionist maintains the patient's demands while the surgery is happening and also is in charge of giving the drug that stops the heart.The perfusionist measures various blood and other parameters to identify appropriate mechanical, pharmacological and thermal manipulation to maintain a physiological state.For this to happen, the perfusionist must have knowledge of the machinery around him/her and familiarity with the respiratory and circulatory system. 

Training: To be a perfusionist, it is required to have a 4-year degree  and have courses in biology, chemistry, anatomy and physiology. Other courses involving specialized training that is required for certification. 

Salary : average salary for a perfusionist is 110,000 a year


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