Thursday, December 4, 2014

Henrietta Chp 9-12

Key Words for Chapter 9-12

1.plaque-a deposit on teeth which bacteria proliferate and sticks on (pg73)

2. voodoo-a combination of Roman Catholic ritual and African religious and magic;characterized by sorcery and spirit possession. (pg82) 

3.asbestos-a heat-resistant mineral that can be sowed into clothes,used in brake linings(pg83)

4.melodramatic-a characteristic of  melodrama, being over dramatic, overemotional, and exaggerated. (pg75)

5.diaphragm-muscular partition separating the thorax from the abdomen in mammals,a very important role in breathing. (pg 83)

6.gonorrhea-a STI found in both men and women usually reproductive parts(pg48)

7. hysterectomy- operation where the woman's uterus is removed (pg46)

8. deviated septum-a condition where nasal septum is displaced to one side (pg 46)

9. fait accompli- a concept where  something has happened or determined already and those who are affected can only accept it (pg46)

10. sickle-cell anemia-a disease that is passed through genetics that cause red blood cells to be crescent shaped(pg50)


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