Wednesday, December 10, 2014

John Gey ethical?

Was John Gey ethical for taking Henrietta Cells?

I believe that John Gey was not ethical in taking Henrietta cells. Gey took the cells without Henrietta's consent which is illegal. He didn't bother asking her family members or anyone that mattered in the situation. Although Henrietta signed a form in the hospital, Henrietta believed it was only a form saying that the doctors can perform necessary operations on her. Also, Henrietta did not understand the form and was manipulated in signing it from the nurses at the Hopkins hospital. Taking Henrietta's cells was a selfish decision made by Gey and was not made to help out Henrietta. Although Gey made a revolution in the science field and made multiple advancements and new understandings, what he did was still immoral and cause Henrietta's family much discomfort and pain.

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